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Metrikus laptop screens collaborating with Snowflake

Metrikus partners with Snowflake

We have recently partnered with Snowflake, which has delivered a range of benefits and new features to our platform. They are a leading cloud data platform, enabling businesses to rapidly scale their data infrastructure across AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud, and gain the benefits of big data platforms without extensive investment. 

A world full of data

Companies tend to have a huge amount of data available to them, but this is often scattered across legacy systems and isolated silos, making it difficult to find and integrate. Our aim is to enable our customers to take full advantage of their data by seamlessly integrating it and clearly displaying the information that is relevant to them.

Data is at the heart of what we do, and by implementing Snowflake’s platform we have been able to optimise our own software platform.

What are the benefits of our partnership?

The primary benefit that our customers will experience is faster loading dashboard panels and faster loading lists and alerts. In the past, a lengthy query could take anything from 3 to 20 minutes due to the volume of data available combined with the need for real-time speed.

By adopting Snowflake’s platform, we have been able to decrease query times by up to 95%. Our customers can now ingest and analyse any given IoT dataset even faster, enabling them to draw immediate insights and take remedial action quickly.

The Snowflake platform has also given us access to a limitless amount of storage. This has removed any potential barrier to scalability as we now have an infinite amount of storage and compute power at our fingertips. Another key advantage comes in the form of guaranteed data storage and backups.

The Snowflake data platform provides up to 90 days of time travel to restore any data unintentionally deleted or lost, equipping us with greater resilience and security. Long term benefits also include increased flexibility for our future development and increased ease when it comes to integrating external data going forwards.

Find out more

On Tuesday 7th July, our Senior Solutions Architect, Sam Hall, will be joining Snowflake for a webinar to chat about how we implemented their platform and the improvements we have seen as a result. Click here to register so that you don’t miss it! 



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