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Driving building efficiencies for Financial Services


of attendees at the Consumer Bankers Associations (CBA) Live 2022 said that within three years, employees would be working remotely for 2 to 3 days on average.

Part F

‘Changes in legislation and regulation’ – like Building Regulations Part F – was one of the biggest considerations for financial institutions last year.

The financial services industry is facing significant risks and challenges, from rising energy costs, bloated real estate footprints and ever-growing ESG regulations.

Organizations need a data-driven solution that helps them to overcome these challenges so they can focus on making smarter and more informed decisions.

Here’s how Metrikus can help with these challenges: 

  • Reduce energy consumption across your offices and branches 
  • Maximize your profits by rightsizing your estate 
  • Improve your ESG score and comply with growing financial service regulations 

Reduce your building’s energy consumption and costs  

With energy costs continuing to rise around the world, reducing energy consumption and bills is a big priority. 

With our platform, you can compare energy data with occupancy data to identify opportunities for reducing your energy consumption. For example, you might realize that you’re unintentionally heating or cooling meeting rooms hours before or after people are actually using them. 

You can even set alerts for when energy usage exceeds set thresholds, to help you reduce consumption quickly and more efficiently. 

Drive real estate cost savings with space utilization and rightsizing

With the continued popularity of hybrid working, financial services organizations are re-evaluating their real estate requirements and looking to rightsize their portfolios. Maybe you don’t need to keep all 14 floors in the office that not many of your employees seem to be using? And do you really need that branch that customers aren’t using anymore?  

With real-time and historic occupancy data, you can remove the guesswork by understanding exactly how your head offices and branches are being utilized and how much of this space you actually need. 

This not only saves costs but can also help you to redesign your workplace in a way that helps you to attract and retain employees.

Improve your ESG score and get closer to meeting your goals 

One of the biggest drivers of insurance claims for financial institutions in 2022 was ‘changes in legislation and regulation’, so complying with these is obviously a big priority for banking and insurance companies. 

With ESG reporting requirements growing, you’re undoubtedly well aware of the importance and pressure to reduce the environmental impact of your building. Our sustainability solution helps you to monitor key ESG metrics across your building portfolio and provides you with data-driven insights to help you reduce consumption. 

Our solution in action: Occupancy monitoring for a major bank

We worked with a major bank to optimize the utilization of their agile workspace. On our first deployment, there was an estimated 71% floor peak occupancy based on manual headcounts. The HR and FM teams were being asked to contract a new lease worth £500,000 to accommodate the expanding floating population of employees.

Our proof of concept was deployed within a week and real-time occupancy monitoring immediately gave an accurate and detailed insight into utilization within their space. Even after stress loading with additional employees, we found that the average utilization remained below 44%. We continued to control the volume of staff on the floor, with real-time alerts to ensure any increases would not lead to a breach in building control.

We recommended that occupancy levels stayed between 80-90%. This enabled an increase of 303 in staff allocation, a 34% increase from the previous allocation, resulting in an ROI of >98x.

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